Barabasmen is an online premium clothing brand with a goal to create a timeless appeal by crafting every single wardrobe item that can express individuality of each and every of their customers.
Our main focus is to get a first-page ranking for 4 competitive keywords for Barabasmen.
Strategies that we followed:
- Guest posting
- Editorial link building
- Skyscraper blogging and link outreach
- Blogger outreach for links
How We Completed Our Strategy
- While many are still at crossroads on whether guest posting works, doing it within Google’s guidelines is good for SEO.
- Guest posting and editorial link building are different. You can earn a link via guest post but, in editorial link building, you have to earn it naturally. If you somehow find a way to earn one, it is even more effective than guest posting.
- Small to big brands across industries all swear by the skyscraper tactic to get amazing results.
- Link outreach plays an important role in increasing the awareness and visibility of your brand.
- If you just want to connect with other bloggers or reach out to industry influencers, outreaching out for links will amply your brand’s visibility. For that, you have to create truly exceptional content.
Organic Traffic
Results We Achieved
- Generated a total of 80 conversion
- Doubled organic traffic
- 113 new referring domains
- All 4 competitive keywords ranked on the first page of Google
We Will Be Useful to You
Over the years, marketing and advertising have changed substantially. The internet has given entrepreneurs and businesses a chance to market their product/service to millions of users. Despite the fact that SEO has a high ROI, most businesses settle for social media and paid ads for promotion.
SEO requires effort up front, once you rank, your sales will skyrocket with no recurring expenses. That’s an overview but, doesn’t the idea make you drool?
If you’re looking to hire an SEO expert or a digital marketing company or want to get your hands on some proven SEO strategies, try to connect with Eight Shell.